Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5 Effective Herbal Remedies for ADHD

Recent studies show that ADHD has become increasingly prevalent among children. It is estimated that approximately 10% of school children have ADHD. While ADHD treatment drugs are effective in reducing the symptoms of ADHD, the benefit comes at a price. Nearly all ADHD treatment drugs have troubling side effects. Due to this reason, in recent years, more parents are experimenting with various herbal remedies for ADHD treatment.

Today, the verdict on herbal remedies for ADHD is nearly unanimous. Herbal remedies for ADHD are as effective as ADHD treatment drugs and have little or no side effects. Read on to know more about the side effects of ADHD drugs and different herbal remedies that are available for ADHD treatment.

Common side effects of ADHD drugs
The most common medications used for ADHD treatment are amphetamine and methylphenidate. The drugs are effective in alleviating ADHD symptoms, but they also have many troubling side effects and a high risk for abuse.

Common side effects of ADHD drugs include:

  • Weight changes
  • Appetite changes
  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia

The troubling side effects of ADHD drugs and the high risk for abuse have convinced parents to look for alternate treatments for ADHD. Most health experts recognize herbal remedies for ADHD treatment as the most effective option available under the ADHD alternative treatment umbrella.

Below are the top 5 herbal remedies for ADHD.

1. Ginkgo Biloba
Gingko Biloba is recognized by herbalists as one of the most effective herbal remedies for ADHD treatment. Gingko Biloba works by increasing the blood flow and neurotransmitter levels to the brain. This in turn increases an ADHD patient’s ability to focus. In addition to improving the blood flow to the brain, Gingko leaves also act as an antioxidant for the nerve tissue.

2. Brahmi (Bacopa Monniera)
Brahmi also sits atop in the list of herbal remedies for ADHD treatment. Brahmi is known to have various positive effects on the brain and helps in strengthening learning skills and increasing total cognitive function. This herb also protects the brain from free radicals and various toxic substances.

3. Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Regular use of Schisandra has proved to very beneficial for ADHD patients. This herb is known for its ability to increase brain efficiency and work capacity.

4. Skullcap (Schuttellaria Laterifolia)
When talking about herbal remedies of ADHD treatment, one name you can’t ignore is skullcap. This herbal remedy has found to be very useful in reducing restless and agitation, both of which are common symptoms of ADHD.

5. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
St. John’s wort is known to help in alleviating certain symptoms of ADHD such as insomnia, despair, and anxiety. This herb takes some time to show effect, so you need to use it continuously for at least a month to allow it to work.

It is true that there is no permanent cure for ADHD. However, the good news is that various herbal remedies for ADHD can help ADHD sufferers a great deal in managing ADHD symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter just started High School and she was diagnosed with ADHD with hyperactivity. Focusing on writing is a challenge. Her teacher recommended that she try writing in the Ink for All software, it's developed to be distraction free
