Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Benefits of Using EFT to Overcome Anxiety

Did you know that approximately 13.3% of the American population in the age group of 18 to 54 years suffers from anxiety in any given year? Anxiety is characterized by an intense feeling of panic and unrest. There are several forms of anxiety disorders, and the most common one of them is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Restlessness and feeling keyed up or on edge, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, being easily startled, insomnia, muscle tension and nausea are all symptoms of GAD. It could sometimes be accompanied by an eating disorder as well.

Many therapists are using EFT to overcome anxiety, particularly GAD. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a recent therapy that combines the ancient technique of acupuncture with psychotherapy. EFT works on the premise that the energy flowing through the body can be channelized and used to heal emotional problems. The human body has electrical energy flowing through it. This energy flows along meridians.

In EFT, the acupuncture points are tapped while keeping the issue that is causing the disruption in mind. The basic premise here is that the tapping stops the disruption in the energy flow. When this is done while keeping the issue in mind, our emotions are not affected by the same issue when it happens again because the energy is channelized.

EFT to Overcome Anxiety: How Is It Better than Other Treatments? Using EFT to overcome anxiety is highly beneficial to the patient. Anxiety is often a belittling ailment, and can cause severe disruptions in daily life and in the social functioning of a person. Traditional talk therapy has been used for years to identify the root cause of anxiety. This helps the patient to better deal with the problem. However, patients often develop a dependence on the therapist. Using EFT to overcome anxiety has many benefits over traditional therapies:

  • Patient dependence: A patient who learns EFT to overcome anxiety is more independent. The technique teaches the individual to deal with situations on his own. The EFT methodology is essentially developed to make the patient self reliant.
  • No medication involved: Anti-anxiety medication is addictive and results in the client becoming dependant on the medication. This is a situation that might lead to other psychological problems and physical side effects. Also, medication alone is not enough to overcome anxiety, psychotherapy is essential.
  • Assistance with other stressors: EFT to overcome anxiety also equips the client to deal with things such as panic attacks and stress. EFT is a very good technique to release the stress caused by anxiety.
  • Physiological symptoms: EFT to overcome anxiety helps an individual to alleviate the physiological symptoms like insomnia and fatigue.

Using EFT to overcome anxiety is a completely natural process, and has no side effects. This technique uses the energy already present within the body to heal an ailment. Not only is it used to help with anxiety and panic, it also has uses in handling other problems, such as depression, eating disorders, anger management, stress and panic attacks, to name a few.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Five Effective Natural Ways for Acne Scar Treatment

Did you know that nearly 80% of the world’s population suffers from acne in their teens and early to mid twenties? Acne, or pimples as they are also known, is basically the blocking up of the open pores of the skin. Natural oil secretions of the skin accumulate in the pores, and make for ideal breeding grounds for bacteria, which in turn leads to infections. Acne usually occurs during adolescence and carries on until adulthood, but in some cases, people suffer from the affliction till their thirties or even forties. To understand acne scar treatment, one first needs to understand the different types of acne: mild, moderately severe and severe acne.

Mild acne usually includes the whiteheads and blackheads that people get from time to time. Moderately severe acne is when there are red, inflamed pimples, know as papules, and red pimples that have white centres, called pustules. Severe acne is when nodules form. These are pus-filled lumps or cysts that are often painful and appear under the skin. You can try any of these natural remedies for acne to get rid of acne.

Acne Scar Treatment: Five Effective Natural Methods
Acne scar treatment is a process that might require a lot of patience. Natural remedies are available and are effective in that they do not have any side effects, unlike medication and laser treatments. Our skin is affected to a large degree by our diet, and a little change in our food habits can work wonders for the skin. Acne scar treatment can be accomplished through natural remedies and dietary changes, such as:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Water is an important part of our diet. The secret to healthy skin is drinking a lot of water. Water helps to detoxify the skin, which in turn speeds up the process of shedding dead skin cells and scar tissue.
  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of anti oxidants, which assist in keeping the skin healthy and preventing scarring.
  3. Rosehip Seed Oil: Rosehip seed oil has been known to help in reducing scars. It has been used in commercial cosmetics for its anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties. The oil should be applied in small quantities, twice daily, on the scars. Acne scar treatment using Rosehip Seed Oil is a slightly slow process, and patience needs to be exercised to see results.
  4. Aloe Vera gel: Aloe Vera gel is an extremely effective acne scar treatment. Aloe Vera has been used over the years for skin burns and scars. Its effects are strongest when applied in gel form directly on the affected skin.
  5. Home Remedies: Some home remedies can also be used for acne scar treatment. Lemon juice applied directly on scars, a paste of sandal wood mixed with rosewater, tomato slices on the affected area are just some natural acne scar treatment methods that work.

Natural acne scar treatment might not yield immediate results that dermatological and surgical methods might yield, but they are safer and, in the long run, healthier. You can even prevent future acne breakouts via natural remedies that are both safe and effective.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Causes and Natural Treatments of Night Sweats After Menopause

One of the symptoms of menopause that is very similar to hot flashes is night sweats. Night sweats after menopause is experienced by nearly 75% of all menopausal women. Medically, night sweats are known as sleep hyperhidrosis and are episodes of sweating during the night that can range from mild to severe.

One of the more irritating symptoms that occurs with the onset of menopause is that one wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating profusely, sheets drenched and heart pounding. It usually takes a lot of time to calm down and go back to sleep, and more often than not, sleep doesn’t come easily or peacefully, and women end up spending a fitful night.

Causes of Night Sweats after Menopause
Night sweats after menopause are a result of some very complex interactions within the body due to the fluctuating levels of estrogen. So, the major cause of night sweats is hormonal imbalance, which affects the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining the body’s temperature, and since hormonal imbalances affect the functioning of this gland, the body temperature fluctuates. In its attempt to regulate body temperature, the hypothalamus may dilate the blood vessels to heat up the body, resulting in hot flashes.

On the other hand, if the hypothalamus gets the signal that the body temperature has risen, it triggers the sweat glands and as a result causes profuse sweating, leading to night sweats.

Apart from the hormonal imbalance, night sweats after menopause are can also be caused by pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, sleep apnea or a thyroid disorder.

Treatment of Night Sweats after Menopause
Night sweats after menopause can be treated in different ways. Changes in lifestyle and alternative medicines are two treatments that help immensely. Hormone replacement therapy is recommended in severe cases, but treatment through natural means is a healthier and safer option in the long run.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Exercise and yoga can help a great deal in the treatment of night sweats after menopause. Yoga has some exercises that are especially meant for dealing with night sweats, like breathing and relaxation exercises. These are especially handy after an episode when there is a need to go back to sleep. Deep breathing and relaxation help a lot. Also, dietary changes like a reduction in caffeine intake, as well as alcohol and processed foods intake, can go a long way to minimize night sweats after menopause. Smoking should be stopped if one is a smoker.
  • Alternative Medicine: Alternative medicines, such as herbal remedies, are also very effective for night sweats after menopause. Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens and are available in herbs such as black cohosh and dong quai. Also, an increase in the vitamin in take is highly recommended. Soy products are also highly recommended and have been known to help menopause symptoms to a very large extent. Herbal remedies and natural remedies are safe and effective treatment options, since they don’t stress the liver for synthesis like other medications often do.

Night sweats after menopause can leave a woman feeling very disturbed and irritable, owing to the fact that sleep is directly affected. Lifestyle changes, especially exercise, can go a long way in the treatment of night sweats.

Monday, April 8, 2013

EFT for Healing Common Problems

Did you know that nearly 75% of the general population suffers from some form of stress? And that over 90% of suicide victims have had some form of a diagnosable mental disorder? A fast paced world, with innovations coming in faster than people can keep up, makes for a very stressful lifestyle. Increasingly more people across the world are falling victim to diagnosable mental disorders like depression, anxiety and panic. The mind needs to calm down and relax on a regular basis.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of psychotherapy that helps an individual to calm down and find inner peace. EFT for healing is a largely used technique that has helped thousands of people. The basic premise of EFT is that tapping into the internal energy of the body can help with the healing process. EFT theory believes that negative emotions are created in response to negative experiences, and the body makes negative programs that lead to a disturbance in the energy field of the body.

The technique has its basis in acupuncture, only no needles are needed for this form of therapy. Instead, the acupuncture points are tapped lightly with the finger tips by the therapist. Eventually, the therapist teaches the client how to do this on his own.

EFT for Healing Disorders
Various mental disorders can be helped by EFT. A large number of therapists are using EFT for healing anxiety, depression, stress and pain. Here is how it works for each of these cases:

  • Anxiety is characterized by a general sense of panic and unrest. Also present are physiological symptoms, such as nausea and restricted breathing. EFT for healing anxiety works on identifying the triggers of an anxiety or panic attack and working towards dealing with them through tapping on acupressure points.
  • EFT for healing depression works in pretty much the same way, by identifying the trigger for depression and working on improving the person’s self esteem.
  • Stress is a common ailment in today’s world. We often hear about people ‘burning out,’ which essentially means that they can’t take the stress levels anymore. Stress is essentially tension and worry that people tend to take on. EFT for healing stress works on relaxing a person, and using the inherent energy of the body to de-stress.
  • Pain management is possible with the use of EFT. EFT for healing pain and for pain management begins with assessing the pain on a scale of zero to ten, with zero being no pain and ten being unimaginable pain. Once the pain has been assessed, the therapist guides the person through a series of EFT steps to manage the pain. At times, the technique has been successful in making the pain go away completely.

There are several other situations and conditions where EFT for healing can be used to manage the disease or disorder. This includes asthma, blood pressure, anger management, addictions and cravings, and weight loss. EFT is a particularly effective therapy for anger management. Also, since the person is not dependent on the doctor or the therapist, it is an ideal technique.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What You Need To Know About Natural Cures for ADHD

A constant criticism of ADHD medications is that they come with a long list of undesirable side effects. Due to this reason, many health experts consider various natural cures for ADHD as a better option for the treatment of ADHD. Read on to know why it is necessary to look beyond ADHD conventional treatment and the different natural cures for ADHD that are available today.

Why ADHD Drugs are Not Your Best Option
A look at the side effects of ADHD drugs makes you wonder if these medications do more harm than good. The common side effects of ADHD drugs include mood swings, weight changes, and trouble with eating and sleeping.

Additionally, in many cases, the symptoms of ADHD get worse when the drugs wear off. Another discerning fact is the ADHD drugs have a high risk of being abused. On the other hand, natural cures for ADHD offer relief from ADHD without any adverse side effects.

Here are some of the best best natural cures for ADHD.

Herbal Supplements
Herbal supplements such as St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, Kava kava, and valerian are known to treat specific symptoms of ADHD.

While the efficacy of herbal supplements in treating ADHD is not in doubt, there is a slight concern about the side effects of certain herbal supplements. However, it is established beyond doubt that herbal supplements have significantly less side effects than ADHD conventional medications. The best way to use and benefit from herbal supplements is to use them under medical supervision.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
In the year 2006, the International Review of Psychiatry mentioned that omega-3 acids help in the treatment of ADHD. Since then, the use of omega-3 fatty acids for ADHD treatment has gained momentum. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are accepted as one of the best natural cures for ADHD.

Though there are different sources of omega-3 fatty acids for ADHD treatment, you must only use fish for your omega-3 fatty acid needs. Various research studies show that only omega-3 fatty acids that contain EPA and DHA components are helpful in ADHD treatment. Fish oil is the only source that provides omega-3 acids through the components mentioned above.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic treatment has also shown promise in ADHD treatment and is recognized as one of the most effective natural cures for ADHD. Research shows that in many cases, chiropractic treatment allowed ADHD patients to stop the ADHD medications that they were using before the treatment.

Zinc Therapy
Zinc therapy is fast emerging as one of the most effective natural cures for ADHD. This trend started after a study revealed that many ADHD patients are deficient in zinc, and their symptoms were considerably reduced after they were underwent zinc therapy. A simple test can determine if your child has a zinc deficiency or not. If so, you must consider zinc therapy for ADHD treatment.

While it is true that ADHD is an incurable disorder, various studies show that many of its symptoms can substantially diminish when a comprehensive treatment involving various natural cures for ADHD is used.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Health Benefits of Bee Pollen for Women

A woman’s body undergoes several extreme changes during her lifetime through events such as pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. To prepare their bodies for these events and to ensure continued good health, women must take care of their health. One of the best ways to achieve optimal health is to take bee pollen. A super rich source of all essential nutrients, the bee pollen benefits for women are many. These benefits range from stress busting to fighting anemia and improving the overall health.

Here are the main bee pollen benefits for women:

  1. Stress can be highly harmful for the health, as it releases free radicals in the body that cause cell damage and diseases. Bee pollen, with its high concentration of Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, and antioxidants helps remove the free radicals from the body, leading to enhanced health.
  2. The high amounts of iron in bee pollen increase hemoglobin levels, which helps fight anemia. It also helps increase the count of red blood cells and white blood cells in the body.
  3. It helps in improving the immune system and sexual libido.
  4. The high amounts of amino acids and minerals help improve the internal and skin health.
  5. Bee pollen benefits for women also include its ability to suppress the appetite and minimize food cravings. This reduces the tendency to snack in between meals.
  6. Increased energy levels associated with bee pollen makes one more inclined to work out for long, leading to weight loss.
  7. In addition to the vitamins, amino acids, bioflavonoid and phytoestrogens, bee pollen also contains lecithin. Lecithin helps enhance metabolism and burns off excess fat. All this while you retain your high energy levels and vitality.
  8. It offers relief from menopause symptoms such as hot flushes that are a result of decreased amounts of estrogen in the body, which puts the hypothalamus gland out of control. This results in uncontrolled body temperatures, dizziness and weakness.
  9. It also helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It decreases the amount of bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good cholesterol.
  10. It also helps resolve infertility issues in women, help fight allergies and enhance endurance and strength.
  11. Its healing properties rejuvenate the body and enhance longevity.
  12. Bee pollen contains high amounts of rutin, a bioflavonoid that helps enhance capillary strength. This leads to enhanced cardiovascular health that prevents fatal diseases, such as heart problems, hypertension and stroke. Rutin also protects the veins and helps cure varicose veins.
  13. It restores reproductive health in women and offers relief from premenstrual syndrome discomfort.
  14. Studies also suggest bee pollen’s effectiveness in fighting cancer and reducing the side effects of chemotherapy.
  15. Nature’s wonder food, bee pollen is completely safe and natural.

However, to enjoy these benefits, source your pollen only from the unpolluted regions of the earth. Some unreliable manufacturers may offer spurious products that contain vegetable fibers and other drugs as filler. To ensure that your bee pollen is of high quality and free of pollutants, pesticides and toxins, get your supplements only from reputable providers.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma

According to the World Health Organization, there are 300 million patients suffering from asthma worldwide, with as many as 250,000 people dying from the disease every year. As per the US Centers for Disease Control, the prevalence of asthma has also increased 75% from 1980 to 1994.

Characterized by spasms in the respiratory tract or lungs, asthma usually makes breathing difficult. An effective treatment method for asthma is homeopathy, as it is gentle and safe and produces no side effects. Homeopathic remedies for asthma involves considering the characteristic symptoms of the disease as well as the patient as a unique person. Thus, homeopathy treats the patient, rather than the disease.

Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma
Listed below are common and effective homeopathic remedies for asthma.

  • Ailanthus glandulosa is effective in cases where symptoms include deep dry cough with asthmatic lung expansion and cough with face congestion and coughing.
  • Arsenicum album is effective in treating bronchitis and asthma. This homeopathic ingredient is used when symptoms include dry cough and breathing difficulty when coughing.
  • Aralia racemosa is effective in cases where symptoms include asthma with oppression and cough with chest constriction that worsen on lying down.
  • Asarum europaeum is used when cough is caused by deep inspiration and frequent coughing is followed by breathing difficulty.
  • Aletris farinosa is used when symptoms include short, dry cough that worsens on talking, discharge of urine during coughing and sudden relief from cough by menstruation.
  • Acalypha indica is effective when symptoms include cough or violent dry cough, followed by blood-stained expectoration.
  • Boerhavia diffusa is recommended for people with dry cough and cough with whitish expectoration.
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra is used as an expectorant, it prevents frequent respiratory infections.
  • Ipecacuanha is effective in treating asthma and bronchitis. It is used for patients that experience shortness of breath and spasmodic asthma.
  • Justicia adhatodais used when patients experience cough with vomiting, violent cough with tightness of chest and expectoration and fear of suffocation.
  • Kali carbonicumis used for treating asthma and cough, this is effective in patients that experience shortness of breath in the morning, spasmodic asthma and lung inflammation.
  • Natrum sulphuricum helps people with symptoms that include shortness of breath while walking and shooting pains and heaviness in the chest.
  • Pothos foetidus helps treat asthma that has worsened with dust inhalation.
  • Pulsatilla Nigricans helps treat bronchitis, chest pains and coughing from asthma. It also helps relieve symptoms such as spasmodic cough, trouble breathing when walking, tension in the chest, feeling of suffocation and burning sensation in the chest.
  • Rumex crispus helps treat cough with headache that worsens on lying down and in the evening.
  • Sambucus Nigra is one of the most effective homeopathic remedies for asthma. It is effective in treating cough, asthma and oppression of the chest. It is used when symptoms include wheezing, trouble breathing when lying down and spasmodic suffocation during the night.

Asthma treatment also involves proper lifestyle management. This includes avoiding allergens that may precipitate an attack and doing light exercises regularly. However, you must avoid doing heavy exercises as they may trigger an attack. Breathing exercises and yoga also helps enhance the lung capacity. Meditation and stress-relieving exercises limiting the psychological factors related to the disease.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Causes of Acne and Acne Treatments That Work

A large percentage of teenagers and even some adults suffer from acne. Acne is a skin condition that usually manifests as a person reaches puberty. Acne has several causes and treatments are usually based on these causes. Acne has three levels of severity: mild, moderately severe and severe acne. To find the right acne treatments that work, one needs to first understand the causes and the level of severity.

Mild acne is when there are only white and black heads due to an occasional clogging of the pores. Moderately severe acne is the formation of what are commonly known as pimples that are usually red and inflamed. Severe acne is when the formation of painful nodules and cysts takes place. Severe acne results in scarring and is a painful condition. Treatment should be swift to avoid scarring as much as possible.

Acne can be caused by several factors, but is mainly due to the clogging of the pores around the hair follicles. Hormonal imbalance can also cause acne. This is especially observed in women who get a pimple or two just before their menstruation starts. Bacteria in the hair follicles can also cause acne. Regardless of the cause, acne treatments that work should be administered as early as possible to avoid scarring.

Five Acne Treatments That Work
There are several acne treatments that work and that do not involve heavy medication, surgery or any medical procedures that may be harmful.

1. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is one of the acne treatments that work wonders. Tea tree oil applied on the affected area can help to reduce the acne because the oil contains terpinen, a chemical that kills bacteria. This treatment is especially useful for treating white heads and black heads.

2. Vitamins: Taking various vitamins in their natural form or as supplements is another one of the acne treatments that work, especially Vitamins A, E, C and the B family. Vitamins are taken orally, and they help cleanse the blood and work as antioxidants that are responsible for the health of the skin. This is why you will find that the results are also reflected on the skin.

3. Lifestyle Changes: All skin trouble is directly related to the way you live, what you eat and how much exercise you get. Stress and tension play an important role in the formation of pimples, especially when coupled with caffeine and nicotine use. Proper rest and full exercise are important.

4. Natural Remedies: Some acne treatments that work are available right inside your home, such as honey and cinnamon paste, ripe tomatoes, fresh mint juice, turmeric and mint juice paste, and lemon juice applied to the affected area. All these can be easily found at home and are very effective in treating mild to moderately severe acne.

5. Zinc: Zinc intake helps with the treatment of acne as well. Since zinc helps in the production and regulation of hormones in the body. So the intake of zinc prevents outbreaks, since it balances out hormone production.

There are many acne treatments that work, but these ones are the best and the most reliable ways to treat acne. Ideally, acne treatment should start at the first sign of an outbreak to avoid scarring and to control the severity of the outbreak.