What is colon cleansing and what are the benefits?
The colon is that part of the digestive system where solid wastes enter before being excreted out to be rid of salt and water. Many professions believe that this site can cause severe health problems as the accumulated waste which cannot be properly eliminated remains inside this small region and invites the growth of harmful bacteria and parasites. Colon cancer has also been associated with an unhealthy and unclean colon.
Colon cleansing involves the detoxification of the intestinal tract and the colon through various alternative methods. A clean colon is said to ensure proper digestion (which reduces fatigue and other related issues) and weight loss. Whichever process is applied to cleanse the colon, the loss of essential nutrients from the body invariably takes place.
That is why researchers are combining the (recently discovered and apparently highly effective) acai berry and colon cleanse in therapies and claiming weight loss to be the primary benefit.
Acai berry diet as a weight loss program has already been written about numerous times. In all fairness, acai berries are highly nutritious fruits that can effectively team up with colon cleansing regimes. These fruits are very popular as detoxifying agents (being an amazing source of antioxidants) and ensure that most of the symptoms and problems that surface after a colon cleanse are alleviated.
Whether or not acai berry and colon cleanse can be positively associated with the weight loss claim is still a matter of debate though.
It is true that all the supplements that are being sold as colon cleansing products have some important factors in common that essentially support weight loss. When the focus is on dietary fiber, cholesterol lowering minerals, and essential metabolism boosting vitamins, some pounds are surely going to be lost. If colon cleanse does ensure a stronger digestive system, losing weight is going to be easier as the amount of food that is consumed will be properly utilized, reducing the need to eat repeatedly.
One lobby of researchers is, however, maintaining that a colon cleanse can cause irreversible damage in the long run to the health and that the acai berry is not the superfruit people are claiming it to be.
Although there are several first-hand accounts of individuals who have benefited from acai berry and colon cleanse by losing weight drastically without any side effects, it is advisable to consult health professionals before jumping onto the bandwagon.
The use of acai berry and colon cleanse as a combination therapy for weight loss is an emergent trend which undoubtedly needs to be subjected to further studies. As for the present, an acai berry diet and a colon cleansing regime will continue to ride on their success stories.
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