Many therapists are using EFT to overcome anxiety, particularly GAD. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a recent therapy that combines the ancient technique of acupuncture with psychotherapy. EFT works on the premise that the energy flowing through the body can be channelized and used to heal emotional problems. The human body has electrical energy flowing through it. This energy flows along meridians.
In EFT, the acupuncture points are tapped while keeping the issue that is causing the disruption in mind. The basic premise here is that the tapping stops the disruption in the energy flow. When this is done while keeping the issue in mind, our emotions are not affected by the same issue when it happens again because the energy is channelized.
EFT to Overcome Anxiety: How Is It Better than Other Treatments? Using EFT to overcome anxiety is highly beneficial to the patient. Anxiety is often a belittling ailment, and can cause severe disruptions in daily life and in the social functioning of a person. Traditional talk therapy has been used for years to identify the root cause of anxiety. This helps the patient to better deal with the problem. However, patients often develop a dependence on the therapist. Using EFT to overcome anxiety has many benefits over traditional therapies:
- Patient dependence: A patient who learns EFT to overcome anxiety is more independent. The technique teaches the individual to deal with situations on his own. The EFT methodology is essentially developed to make the patient self reliant.
- No medication involved: Anti-anxiety medication is addictive and results in the client becoming dependant on the medication. This is a situation that might lead to other psychological problems and physical side effects. Also, medication alone is not enough to overcome anxiety, psychotherapy is essential.
- Assistance with other stressors: EFT to overcome anxiety also equips the client to deal with things such as panic attacks and stress. EFT is a very good technique to release the stress caused by anxiety.
- Physiological symptoms: EFT to overcome anxiety helps an individual to alleviate the physiological symptoms like insomnia and fatigue.
Using EFT to overcome anxiety is a completely natural process, and has no side effects. This technique uses the energy already present within the body to heal an ailment. Not only is it used to help with anxiety and panic, it also has uses in handling other problems, such as depression, eating disorders, anger management, stress and panic attacks, to name a few.