Saturday, January 26, 2013

Drug-Free Back Neck Pain Relief

There are many medicines that provide or at least claim to provide back neck pain relief, and many of them surely do. However, when you take a look at the composition of many of the medicines, you realize that the pain relief may come at the expense of side effects.

Side effects can adversely impact your health in the long term, and this is the reason natural remedies for back neck pain relief have been becoming very popular. Depending on the extent and type of problem, natural remedies can work wonders. Let us discuss some of the natural remedies for back and neck pain:

  • Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and apply directly on the painful area. This is a highly effective technique for back neck pain relief as it reduces inflammation and prevents swelling. However, apply ice for a sustained period if you are suffering from a cold.
  • You can follow up the session on ice packs by applying heat on the affected area. Alternating sessions of cold and warm therapy are known to work wonders for providing back neck pain relief. Heating pads are good tools for applying hot compression, and in case you do not have one, you can have a hot shower too.
  • Talk to your physical trainer and perform a few stretching exercises for the neck. Such exercises can get the blood flowing through the region and can easily restore your health and give a lot of relief from the pain.
  • Although temporary, mild massages are also known to provide back neck pain relief. Get someone to mildly massage the affected region. However, do ensure that the masseur is a trained one. You can also ask the masseur to use herbal oils for the massage.
  • Take adequate care of how you sleep. When you have back or neck pain, you must sleep on a plain surface and make sure that the surface is not too soft. Particular care must be taken of your back neck position. You must take care that while you sleep, the neck is not in an abrupt position.
  • While talking over the phone, consciously avoid tilting your head to any one side as this puts a lot of pressure on your back neck region. Try to keep your head erect as much as possible.
  • If you happen to work on the computer for a long time, do ensure that your eye level stays parallel to that of the computer. You must also ensure that while working on the computer, your shoulders are not drooping, as this puts a lot of pressure on the neck. Avoiding this can provide a lot of back neck pain relief.

The above measures will work on a case-by-case basis, and not every measure may provide the same degree of pain relief if your situation does not warrant the same. However, these measures are time-tested and designed to provide relief naturally without any side effects at all.

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