Thursday, December 20, 2012

Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies

The number of people seeking natural high blood pressure remedies has considerably increased over the past decade. As patients face difficulties coping with the killer disease, the daily meds and the side effects that persistently affect the quality of their lives, they decide to substitute the drugs for natural and alternative medicines.

There are plenty of naturally occurring substances that can keep hypertension at bay. For patients who have chosen to take the natural route, it is primarily important that they practice patience, discipline and perseverance because unlike medications, natural high blood pressure remedies requires them to strictly follow some of the points mentioned below:

  • Smokers need to quit or drastically reduce nicotine intake if they want to be cured of hypertension. Nicotine affects almost all the organs, especially the heart. High blood pressure patients are already at an increased risk of heart failures. Nicotine also adversely affects blood circulation and harms the walls of the arteries.

  • Alcohol should be strictly avoided.
  • Exercising is a must for all patients suffering from hypertension. Increase in heart rate is directly proportional to lack of exercise. When heart rate increases, the force with which the heart pumps blood also increases, which leads to high blood pressure.
  • Consumption of all food items that may potentially increase the level of sugar in the blood needs to cut down to a minimum.
  • A high fiber diet should be maintained. Incorporating fruits and vegetables (preferably in the raw form) is essential to control high blood pressure.
  • Patients who believe in the potential of natural high blood pressure remedies must also realize the importance of proper sleep and a routine life which minimizes stress.
  • The significance of weight loss is high for people with high blood pressure.
  • Sodium and potassium levels will need to be controlled. A low sodium diet will make a huge difference in controlling blood pressure.

These few steps should get an individual started on the path of natural healing. Given below are some natural high blood pressure remedies that can be prepared easily at home.

  • A mixture composed of equal amounts of honey, ginger juice and cumin powder can be used to curb high blood pressure. Two to three tablespoons of this mixture should be taken twice a day for a period of three months.
  • Curry leaves are widely used in the treatment of hypertension. Around 40 fresh curry leaves are boiled in a glass (250ml approx.) of water. This potion may be drunk after cooling on an empty stomach each morning.
  • The dried seeds of watermelon are used as an effective natural cure for high blood pressure. Around one to two tablespoons of powdered seeds can be dissolved in a glass of water and consumed.
  • The fresh juice obtained from spinach or carrots works amazingly well to reduce high blood pressure. Consuming either vegetable raw is another great option.
  • Fenugreek seeds are also very effective in lowering blood pressure. What patients can do is boil 2-3 tablespoons of the seeds in a glass of water and drink the strained liquid two times a day over a period of three months.

Natural high blood pressure remedies can not only control the disease, but also reduce the risks related to this illness without causing side effects.

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