Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Natural Remedies for Asthma: The Best Treatment

Did you know that nearly 8.2% of the American population suffers from asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. It occurs in the form of attacks, and can prove to be fatal if not treated well and on time. Traditionally, asthma patients are known to carry inhalers and are usually on allopathic medication. In recent time, increasingly more people are turning to natural remedies for asthma as opposed to medication.

Natural remedies for asthma have been known to not only control attack severity but also to cure the disease almost completely. Asthma control requires a lot of dietary and lifestyle changes that might seem difficult to incorporate at first but once one is used to the changes, they can experience a world of difference.

Five Natural Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is characterized by shortness of breath that can leave a patient gasping desperately for breath. Since it is a breathing disorder, most of the natural remedies for asthma focus on improving breathing, as well as the health and capacity of the lungs.

  • Breathing techniques: The breathing technique of Buteyko is a very good remedy for asthma. It follows the premise that shallow breathing pulls in more carbon dioxide into the lungs, and dilates the airways’ muscles and, as a consequence, opens them up wider, making it easier to breath.
  • Dietary Remedies: Go vegan. Cutting out dairy products from the diet is one of the few natural remedies for asthma that not many people know about. Milk and milk products cause phlegm formation that can aggravate and lead to asthma attacks. Also, an increase in the intake of vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes and green leafy vegetables, is highly recommended. However, be sure to consult your doctor before you make any drastic changes to your diet. Keep in mind that not everyone is suited to a vegan lifestyle.
  • Butterbur: The active constituents of butterbur are petasin and isopetasin. These constituents are known to reduce spasms of the smooth muscles and are also anti-inflammatory. The recommended dose is one microgram a day.
  • Omega Fatty Acids: The primary cause of inflammation in the body is believed to be arachidonic acid, found in egg yolks and shellfish. These are fatty acids and their effect can be countered by the intake of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fish oil like cod liver oil and krill oil.
  • Coffee and Tea: Breathing problems are also a result of slow blood circulation. Caffeine present in the coffee accelerates the circulation, making it easier to breath. But one has to be careful to not drink too much coffee; it should be taken in moderation.

Asthmatic attacks can be a harrowing experience, but with the right treatment and at the right time, the attacks can be managed or even stopped. Of course, prevention is better than cure, and therefore, some things must be avoided by asthma patients. Avoid exposure to sudden temperature changes and stress. Asthmatic patients must take time out daily for breathing exercises and relaxation.

Natural remedies for asthma will only help so far as they are taken daily. The effect in some cases might be slow to show but they are always long lasting. Natural remedies for asthma treat the breathing problem as well as help improve the lifestyle of patients.

1 comment:

  1. Since asmtma targets your lung with indefinite virus attached with it, it could lead to a much serious problem like heart disease or even worst is death. According to what I've read from an article on krill oil, it is important to take good care of our body since our lungs is a main target of a weak immune system that could cause asthma or any respiratory diseases.
