Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Natural Hair Regrowth Tips for Men

Hair loss is a problem that isn’t only restricted to women. Men experience massive amounts of hair loss if they suffer from male pattern baldness. Unfortunately, male pattern baldness is a hereditary condition and results in total hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss that is more than a hundred strands a day, there are several men hair regrowth natural remedies that can help you.

The most common reasons for hair loss in men are stress, illness and an unclean scalp. If your work or school is stressing you out, take a break. Do something that will help you relax like Yoga or meditation, or even a good old game of baseball with friends. Illnesses like typhoid make the body very weak and you may experience a lot of hair loss during this time, although this shouldn’t be a cause of worry.

Unclean scalp is a problem with most men. Many men neglect washing their hair properly. If you can’t remember the last time you used a shampoo, it’s time to pull up your socks if you want to continue seeing some hair on your head. Here are some men hair regrowth natural remedies that are proven to be beneficial.

  • What kind of food do you eat throughout the day? Is it healthy? Does it include salads, fruits and lots of water? If not, change your diet immediately by opting for healthier home cooked meals.
  • Stop using too much dye and permanent hair color if you do. If you have gray hair, just flaunt it.
  • Are you suffering from acute dandruff? Dandruff can also cause hair loss. The trick is to keep your hair clean.
  • Apply warm coconut oil mixed with lemon juice to your scalp every day. Keep it for an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo.
  • Castor oil has been proven extremely effective by the Egyptians due to its many healing properties
  • Aloe vera juice has anti bacterial properties and can also help heal damaged hair.
  • Saw palmetto has been found to be very effective in hair regrowth in cases of male pattern baldness. It was originally used for prostate enlargement. Palmetto shampoos and supplements can be purchased at any store.
  • The simplest natural remedy is to just start taking health supplements that give you the required daily dosage of vitamins, minerals and iron.

Because it is impossible to get a man to care about what is going wrong with him, it could be difficult for your man to realize that he is suffering from hair loss. Additionally, the above listed remedies take some time to prepare and even more time to begin their magic so you must have patience. Applying oil should not take you more than five minutes and if investing such little time can help you get healthy hair, there is no reason for you to not do it.

If you are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss, these men hair regrowth natural remedies will help a lot. Beware of the multiple snake oils that are advertised on men’s websites and magazines – they might make your scalp condition worse.

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