Sunday, November 4, 2012

Is Homeopathic Remedies Effective?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine, proposed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Homeopathic natural remedies involve treating patients with heavily diluted preparations. Doctors and medical researchers have found no verifiable claims of healing through this method.

Homeopaths assess a disease depending on the patient’s physical and psychological symptoms. They then refer to books called repertories and a remedy is selected on the basis of the total symptoms. Most preparations are heavily diluted, requiring a mixture of 3-4 herbal extracts. Homeopathics advise their patients against modern medicine, a fact that has attracted the attention of many critics who consider homeopathy a quack science.

Some universities in Europe and Asia offer doctoral programs on homeopathy although it has lately become more of an unspecialized skill. Anyone can become a homeopath by referencing repertories and stocking herbal dilutions. In most countries, homeopathic treatment is not covered under medical insurance.

According to Samuel Hahnemann, every disease can be cured by medicines that induce the same symptoms in healthy individuals. One of his first experiments involved the use of cinchona bark, which if ingested produces malaria like symptoms. Hahnemann concluded that this cure proceeds through similarity, meaning that a substance that produces symptoms of a specific disease in large doses will cure the same disease when taken in smaller doses.

A large number of studies have indicated that homeopathy does not work yet it is popular in a lot of countries across the world. Medical researchers say that homeopathic medicines are so heavily diluted that the original potency of the herb gets lost.

During the diagnosis, homeopaths do not take into account the patient’s medical history, genetics or environmental factors. All homeopathic medicines are considered safe for normal consumption as well without any positive or negative effects.

The deputy director of the National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine says that homeopathy goes beyond the current understanding of chemistry and physics. He also goes on to add that there has been no condition for which homeopathy has been an effective treatment.

However, homeopathy proponents keep going back. Surely they must be seeing some positive changes and visible effects? There are several explanations that exist for the cures, the most common being the placebo effect, where the intensive consultation and diagnosis by the homeopath can result in the release of endorphins that can alleviate pain or other symptoms. The other explanation is unassisted natural healing, which is true in cases of common cold and flu where the disease follows a cycle in which the disease causing agent grows, mutates and then dies after the immune system has killed it.

Homeopaths also advise patients against conventional medicine saying that such treatments worsen a disease, however, anyone can see the success of conventional medicine against homeopathy.

Homeopathic natural remedies should be taken with caution. If you feel that your symptoms run deeper than just a regular fever, you must consult a doctor. It is also equally safe to consult an alternative medicine practitioner, but make sure the system has verified claims supported by medical researchers.

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