Generally speaking, anxiety is the feeling you get just before a big exam or a job interview or at times just before getting married! But when the same feeling of anxiousness is present in everyday life so much so that normal functioning is hampered, a diagnosis of anxiety can be made. Anxiety is recognized by its physiological symptoms, such as heart palpitations, rapid breathing and, at times, a feeling of nausea.
Hypnosis for anxiety is one of the most recommended paths of treatment, since hypnosis is the best known anti-anxiety agent. The major theme of hypnosis is relaxation and achieving a state of calmness. Also, hypnosis is a form of therapy that relies on reaching the root cause of the disorder in order to treat it.
Hypnosis for Anxiety: How it works
Hypnosis for anxiety works on two levels, the analytical level and the behavioral level. The basic premise of hypnotherapy is to explore the subconscious for the hidden cause of the disorder and then to alter behavior through suggestion.
Analytical Approach
The analytical approach of hypnosis for anxiety works on the premise that the cause of the anxiety is deeply rooted in the psyche and can be approached and explored within the subconscious while in a state of deep trance. The therapist guides the patient through the series of steps that will induce a state of trance, and once the patient has achieved the trance state, the therapist starts questioning the patient. The questioning process is a delicate one and the therapist is careful about the kind of questions that are asked. This explorative method allows the patient to be exposed to his own fears and causes of anxiety, and as a consequence, to face and deal with them.
Behavioral Approach: The behavioral approach is also called the suggestion approach because it uses post hypnotic suggestions. This hypnosis for anxiety approach is generally employed as the second step in severe cases once the cause for the anxiety is uncovered by the therapist and the patient. Suggestions are given to help the patient deal with situations that have the potential to induce anxiety. Using this method of hypnosis for anxiety is helpful as step one in mild cases of anxiety.
Apart from the two hypnosis approaches mentioned above, the therapist also introduces the client to self hypnosis to help the patient deal with any anxiety attacks that might occur before the patient is fully equipped to deal with it on his or her own. Self hypnosis is a series of steps that the therapist teaches the client that help in relaxation. Since anxiety is a state of hyperactivity, the knowledge of how to relax is a helpful tool for any patient.
Hypnosis for anxiety works better than traditional psychiatric medication, since anti anxiety medications only result in numbing the person completely. They are a temporary solution to anxiety and are often addictive and might result in doing more harm than good.